Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thrilling Triple Falls

The anticipation increases with each step as you undertake the uphill trail towards Triple Falls. You will have undoubtedly already visited the popular Hooker Falls at the base of the hill where the parking lot is located.You adventure spirit has been awakened. The sound of rushing water can be heard from the river below. Your gaze is directed towards the woody scenery as you attempt to get your first glimpse of Triple Falls. The hill grade is steep along this section of the trail. You spot the viewing area ahead. Re-energized, you hurry the remaining distance. You have arrive
d at you destination.

From the viewing area you can see three distinct levels that comprise Triple Falls. The roaring sound of the turbulent water fills the air. The sheer size of the waterfall is impressive. This is not a small creek cascading over a few rock faces. You are witnessing a full fledged river flowing over a series of waterfall ledges. You take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.

You think about the generations of people who have stood in this very spot and witnessed the wonder that is front of you. You then take note of the others around you who are also basking in the moment. Everyone seems t be taking pictures or posing for pictures. As some leave to embark up or down the trail others arrive. it is then that you notice the wooden stairway that has escaped your attention up to now.

The stairway leas down the hill towards the waterfall. While the view from the trail was spectacular your mind is now focused on the landing at the bottom of the stairs. You find yourself standing on a rock basin with two of the waterfall levels upstream to your right and the third to your left. The rushing river is is just a few feet away from where you are standing.

The landing is large enough to share with others. The joyful sound of children can be heard at the small pool safely positioned near the base of the stairs. Again, the scene of people enthusiastically snapping pictures is evident. You feel compelled to take a few pictures too. Your visit to Triple falls has been a thrilling adventure and you will want to remember the moment. Reluctantly, you make your way back to the stairs to begin the climb back to the trail above. One last look over your shoulder and you leave the base of the river behind.

Triple Falls and other exhilarating waterfalls is located in DuPont State Park in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina between Hendersonville and Brevard. In addition to the waterfalls provided courteous of the mountain landscape and Little River, there are several lakes within DuPont State Park. 

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