Monday, August 17, 2009

Keep Moving Forward

Critic Cricket Reviews Meet the Robinsons

Left on the steps of an orphanage, does his mother no longer care?
Lewis is a young inspiring inventor but what’s with the spiked hair?
No one seems to want him, will he ever find a happy home?
He keeps working on his inventions, has he never heard of a comb?

If only he could remember his mother, as a little baby her face he has seen.
If he is such a good inventor then he should invent a memory scanning machine.
The memory of his mother has to be somewhere inside his brain.
With the help from this invention any lost memory he can regain.

This invention will take lots of work, he can get his roommate Goob to help him out,
Then he can unveil it at the science fair where its success will leave no doubt.
Goob was so tired from helping Lewis that he fell asleep in his little league game.
Goob could have made the winning catch but instead his life will never be the same.

Meanwhile back at the school science fair Lewis is approached by a time cop
Who is from the future and sabotage to the memory scanning machine he must stop.
The time travelers name is Wilbur who is actually a thirteen year old boy.
He claims there is a boiler hat guy from the future on a mission to destroy.

Lewis does not believe Wilbur although the boiler hat guy is real.
When Wilbur jumps the wrong person it makes a young girl squeal.
The girl’s name is Franny, her exhibit is to show how frogs can sing.
She sticks to her convictions no matter how much teasing it may bring.

While Wilbur helped gather the frogs the boiler hat guy enacted his plan.
Loosening a bracket caused an explosion, where are the pieces going to land?
Lewis is frustrated at his failure so he decides to run away.
Wilbur follows close, one simple failure can’t stand in the way.

The memory scanning machine must be repaired at any and all cost.
If the boiler hat guy is successful then life as we know it will be lost.
In order to convince Lewis that the words he speaks are true
Wilbur takes Lewis to the future, what else is a time traveler suppose to do?

Does Lewis fix the memory scanning machine in time to restore the space / time continuum? Critic Cricket will not say how the movie ends.
No matter what the outcome, a time traveling teenager and a young aspiring inventor makes a unique pair of friends.

More Critic Cricket movie reviews.

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