Saturday, August 15, 2009

Outside Your Door

Do animals have rights? Some say it should be.
There’s no place in this world for animal cruelty.
Animals were created by God and placed here on earth.
Are they granted any rights from the time of their birth?
Those chosen as pets should have sweet happy dreams,
But everything around us is not always as it seems.
I hold out my hands as I look to the sky.
Why do God’s animals have to tragically die?

Pitted against each other in a duel to the death.
The fighting isn’t over until one no longer draws breath.
You’ve trained your pet well, is it ready for the pit?
If others were to ask, it’s not something you’d admit.
Money exchanging hands as fast as the eye can see.
Everyone wants to bet on which will score a victory.
You don’t care if the animals have any rights.
You are only interested in watching them fight.

You tied two cats tails together with some twine.
When the knot was secure you tossed them over a clothesline.
They scratched and clawed until one’s life was spent.
This is what you considered to be entertainment.
You discarded the dead one and set the live one free.
This was your reward as the spoils of victory.
You don’t care if the animals have any rights.
You are only interested in watching them fight.

While you sat in warmth having a good time,
You didn’t realize that you may be committing a crime.
But if the truth were to be told
You left your puppy out in the cold.
It cried for help until it could whimper no more.
It froze to death that night just outside your door.
You buried it in your yard to keep suspicion at bay.
When someone asked, you said it ran away.

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