Monday, July 1, 2013

Wild Turkey Encounter in the Pisgah National Forest

I was traveling along a gravel road in the Pisgah National Forest on my way to the Riding Stables with a special young lady when we spotted a wild turkey crossing the road.Granted, spotting a wild turkey in western North Carolina is not all that rare, but neither is it an everyday occurrence. This was however my first encounter with a wild turkey in the Pisgah National Forest.

As I stopped the vehicle the wild turkey quickly disappeared into the green underbrush on the side of the gravel road. We could hear the turkey gobbling, but we could not catch a good glimpse of it. The wild turkey suddenly reappeared from the thicket and posed long enough for me to snap a few pictures from my vehicle with my iphone 5. I was thrilled at the encounter but I guess a wild turkey in the Pisgah National Forest is not such a thrill for a teenage girl on her way to her first horseback ride.

The wild turkey rushed back into the thicket and we continued on our journey towards the Pisgah National Forest riding stables. I could hear the turkey gobbling in the brush as we passed. I silently tanked it for the chance encounter and set my mind on the pending horseback riding adventure.

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